As we get older loss of hearing is a natural part that comes with ageing process. But if you wear a hearing aid, your family and friends will not notice your hearing loss problem. Hearing aid enables you to live your life normally again.

There are many common symptoms of hearing loss and there simple ways to find out if you have hearing process. Like if you are finding it difficult to understand what people are saying; if you need to ask for a repetition; if you raise the volume of your TV then you should go for a hearing test.

A hearing aid is a small electronic device worn that amplifies sound so that a person with hearing loss can hear sound better. Hearing aids can be wear behind the ear, in the canal and comes with various shapes & sizes. Hearing devices have three components: a microphone, amplifier and speaker. Sound comes through the microphone and is converted into an electrical signal and sent to the amplifier. The amplifier increases the power of the signals and sends them to the ear through the speaker.

Some people find that their hearing aids don’t work, but this is usually beacuse of poor counselling while purchasing aid, hearing aid not fitting correctly, brand-baised advice or the user not being used to wearing them. At Muskan Hearing Care, We provide hearing aids only after proper counselling which best suits the needs of user so that you really get the full benefit of hearing aids.

The selection of hearing aids for an individual depends on your lifestyle and your budget. An active person who stays outsdoor for most of the time, enjoys traveling and do athletic activities will most likely need a different model of hearing aid than someone who spends most of their time at home watching television.

Generally Hearing loss is associated with older age. But nowadays more and more young people are suffering from hearing loss due to changes in lifestyle like listening to loud music for too long etc. As technology is becoming smarter the Modern hearing aids are increasingly becoming more stylish & small. The discreet or bright and eye-catching designs make them fit-in perfectly with every lifestyle.

Modern technology has made hearing aids must for people with hearing problems. Today’s hearing aid users express a higher level of satisfaction with their devices than ever before. According to a study, more than 91 percent of those who purchase new hearing aids are highly satisfied with their purchase.